New Range of Exotic Plants

Check out our new range of exotic, hardy plants, all the way from Spain!

Prices vary from £300 to £1000. Call 02476 614752 now for prices on each of these plants.

This is a ONE OFF delivery. Once the plants are gone they are gone. DON'T MISS OUT - CALL US NOW and pick up in store!


Chamaerops Excelsa
Min temp -17°

Chamaerops Excelsa

Yucca Rostrata
Min temp -12°

Yucca Rostrata

Cyca Revoluta
Min temp -5°

Cyca Revoluta

Olea Europaea Tronco (Regional Bonsai)
Min temp -12°

Olea Europaea Tronco

Olea Europaea Pom
Min temp -12°

Olea Europaea Pom

Citrus Reticulata (Orange Tree)
Min temp -3°

Citrus Reticulata (Orange Tree)